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Available Now!  Comprehensive e-book on overcoming knee injury and maximizing performance for runners from a noted physical therapist and fitness expert.

Tired of nagging knee pain limiting your running?

Discover how you can finally eliminate pain and return to training safely with proven techniques from a board certified physical therapist.

In this guide readers will learn how to:

  • Discover asymmetry/imbalances with screening and video analysis 
  • Utilize soft tissue mobilization and stretching to improve mobility
  • Incorporate a dynamic warm-up prior to running
  • Strengthen the body to prevent injury and improve running economy
  • Increase speed and power with safe and effective plyometrics
  • Resolve IT band syndrome and nagging anterior knee pain 

This book is full of pictures, research and links to supporting videos and blog posts to give you all the info you need to run faster, longer and injury free. Click here to download a free excerpt from the book.

Because I am committed to your personal success and confident this information will positively impact your health and running performance, I am offering you my 100% money back guarantee for 60 days.

So, if you are frustrated with persistent knee pain and limited mileage during your training runs, now is the the time to grab a copy of this e-book to get back on the road.  In addition to injury management, you will find that the exercises in this book improve endurance, increase running economy and allow you to run faster with less effort.

This 70 page manual includes:

  • The most effective core and single leg training exercises
  • Running specific power exercises
  • Patellofemoral knee pain rehab guide
  • IT Band Syndrome rehab guide
  • Sample healthy runner training plan

Whether you are a seasoned marathoner or simply just beginning, this book offers applicable information that will keep you running stronger, longer and injury free.  

This e-book normally retails for $29.95.  But for limited time, you can grab your copy for just $19.95.  Simply email me at info@brianschiff.com for order details.